FAD: Piano Nazionale Demenze. Strumenti Formativi per CDCD Territoriali ed Ospedalieri
From rock to pop, indie to EDM, there's something for everyone. Get your tickets now and be part of this epic celebration of rhythm and melody!
From rock to pop, indie to EDM, there's something for everyone. Get your tickets now and be part of this epic celebration of rhythm and melody!
From rock to pop, indie to EDM, there's something for everyone. Get your tickets now and be part of this epic celebration of rhythm and melody!
From rock to pop, indie to EDM, there's something for everyone. Get your tickets now and be part of this epic celebration of rhythm and melody!
From rock to pop, indie to EDM, there's something for everyone. Get your tickets now and be part of this epic celebration of rhythm and melody!
Per info e iscrizioni, consultare il sito ufficiale del congresso: www.thehagueretina.com Scarica il programma
From rock to pop, indie to EDM, there's something for everyone. Get your tickets now and be part of this epic celebration of rhythm and melody!
From rock to pop, indie to EDM, there's something for everyone. Get your tickets now and be part of this epic celebration of rhythm and melody!
From rock to pop, indie to EDM, there's something for everyone. Get your tickets now and be part of this epic celebration of rhythm and melody!
From rock to pop, indie to EDM, there's something for everyone. Get your tickets now and be part of this epic celebration of rhythm and melody!
From rock to pop, indie to EDM, there's something for everyone. Get your tickets now and be part of this epic celebration of rhythm and melody!
I nostri “Corsi al tramonto” sono progettati per affrontare una vasta gamma di argomenti, concentrandosi sulleprincipali patologie oftalmiche, dalla diagnosi alla terapia.
Gli esperti del settore condivideranno le loro conoscenze offrendo un'analisi dettagliata degli aggiornamenti e
delle migliori pratiche nella cura degli occhi.
Ciò che rende unica questa iniziativa è la fusione di formazione e networking durante le ore serali. Creiamo un
ambiente informale e stimolante, dove i partecipanti possono interagire con i relatori, esplorare le nuove
frontiere della professione oftalmica, arricchire le competenze e stabilire connessioni significative con altri
professionisti del settore.
ORE FORMATIVE: 4 CREDITI FORMATIVI: 4DESTINATARI DELL’INIZIATIVA: 100 tra medici chirurghi (specialisti anatomia patologica, chirurgia maxillo facciale, chirurgia plastica, neurochirurgia, neurologia, oncologia, otorinolaringoiatria, radiodiagnostica, radioterapia), audiometristi, audioprotesisti, logopedisti, tecnici di neurofisiopatologia Scarica il programma /*! elementor - v3.20.0 - 26-03-2024 */ […]